Here you can find out a bit more about me and what I get up to!
As far back as I can remember, I have always needed to be outdoors. It’s something I crave for every day of my life.
Much of my early childhood was spent at the top of an old copper beech tree in my parents' garden or walking barefoot in the local woods.
My passion for wildlife started early on by observing a squirrel’s drey in one of our trees and keeping a veritable menagerie of rodents and small pets at home in the laundry room!
Charity work is a big part of what I do and I am proud to be RSPB President since 2013.
I am also Patron of Alderney Wildlife Trust, Patron of Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC), honorary life Patron of the Shark Trust, Sea Champion of Marine Conservation Society and one of the first Friends of the Canal & River Trust.

“Her warm and engaging approach was popular with prize-winners and their families and her address combined scientific insight, humour, humility and inspiration for our audience of pupils, parents and staff.”